Ryckje Ulrica van Dyck 1636 to 1709

Ryckje Ulrica van Dyck was the daughter of immigrant ancestors Hendrick Thomasse van Dyck and Divertje Cornelise Botjagers. For information on her parents, please click on the Fan Chart to the left.
From: https://www.geni.com/people/Ryckje-Ulrica-van-Dyke/6000000023414198098
Ryckje Ulrica van Dyck was born about 1636 in Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands.
When she was about four years of age, Ryckje sailed with her parents from Amsterdam to New Amsterdam on 25 May 1640 in the ship Den Waterhondt. At the time of the sailing, her father was bearing a commission of ‘Ensign Commandant’ in the service of The Dutch West India Company. And he was accompanied by a company of foot-soldiers to reinforce the garrison of Fort Amsterdam.
In about 1654, Ryckje married Jan Dareth at the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam. Jan died in Albany, New York.
After Jan died, Ryckje married Jacob de Hinsse.
De Hinsse did not live too long either and before too long, she married Jacob Staats.
Ryckje and Jacob had two children, both of whom were born in Albany:
• Catharina Jacobse Staats
• Debora Jacobse Staats
Ryckje Ulrica van Dyck died in September 1709.