Maria Rutgers 1643 to 1703

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Maria Rutgers was born in about 1643 in Amersfoort, Utrecht, Netherlands. Her parents were Rutger Wouters and Styntje Jacobs.

At the age of nineteen Maria came to New Amsterdam with her mother, her sister Wyntje Rutgers (aged 16), her stepfather Pieter Janszen Meet/Mead from Amersfoort, a half-sister Kniertje Pieters Meet (aged 7) and a half-brother Jan Pietersen Meet (aged 3). They came on the ship “Rosetree” which sailed from Holland in March 1663.

Maria Rutgers married Joris Janszen van Hoorn with marriage banns dated 11 March 1666 at the Dutch Reformed Church in New York. Both were previously unmarried.

Maria’s mother and stepfather, Pieter Janszen and wife Styntje Jacobs, joined the Dutch Reformed Church in New Amsterdam on 9 July 1663.

In the 1686 list of church members prepared by Dominie Selyns, Maria Pieters, wife of Joris Janszen van Hoorn, is a member, but he is not. In this entry, she is given the patronymic of her stepfather, an infrequent but far from rare custom among the New Netherlands Dutch.

The children of Maria Rutgers and Joris Janszen van Hoorn are as follows:
• Rutgers, bapt. 5 Jan. 1667
• Jan/John, bapt. 31 March 1669
• Hillegond, bapt. 10 April 1672
• Styntje, bapt. 19 Dec. 1674; witnesses: Pieter Janszen and Hillegond Joris (child’s step-grandfather and paternal grandmother)
• Styntje, bapt. 9 May 1677
• Aefje/Effie, bapt. 16 March 1680
• Asseureus, bapt. 4 July 1683; witnesses: Asseureus Hendrickszen and Hillegond Joris (child’s uncle-in-law and paternal grandmother)

On 29 Feb. (with banns dated 5 Feb.) 1692 in the Dutch Reformed Church in New York Maria Rutgers, widow of Joris Janszen, married Jan Andrieszen, widower of Margrietje Jans Doorens.

In New York on 31 May 1700, Maria Rutgers, wife of Jan Andriesse, witnessed a baptism at the Dutch Church. In Bergen (now Jersey City) on 2 April 1700, Mereytje Rutger, wife of Jan Andresen, witnessed the baptism of a grandchild. In New York on 19 Nov. 1699 and again on 15 Dec. 1703 she witnessed baptisms of grandchildren.

Maria Rutgers Andriesse died after 1703 in New York, New York.