Catharina Rooseboom 1706 to 1788
From:, by Stefan Bielinski
Catharina Rooseboom was born in June 1706 in Albany, New York.
Already in 1706, she was a fourth generation American!
Catharina grew up in her parents’ home on Pearl Street. Pearl Street was a traditional residential street in the heart of Albany. For more than a century, Pearl Street was home to the Lansings, Bleeckers, Cuylers, Roosebooms, and other prominent early Albany families. Pearl Street extended north through the stockade at Rooseboom’s Gate!
However, despite her ancestry, in April 1729, she married newcomer, George Fielding, at the Albany Dutch Church where she was a pewholder.
After their marriage, the couple must have moved to New York City, because over the next three decades, their children were christened in New York City.
Catharina and George lived in New York City between about 1730 and 1755. Then, in about 1756, they moved back to Catharina’s native Albany, where they lived for the rest of their lives.
George and Catharina had at least two children, both of whom were born in New York City:
• Hendrick Fielding, 1730-1779
• Deborah Fielding, 1737-1786
In 1788, the Second Ward home of the “Widow of George Fielding” was listed on the Albany assessment roll. By that time, Catharina Roseboom Fielding had lived for more than eighty years.
Catharina Rooseboom died after 1788 in Albany, New York.